I came into work yesterday & someone's words made me think more about my day. What she said brought even a bigger smile to my face. "You seem even more chipper today" were her words. Then I went on to explain what was going on inside my heart.
It was a day that my boys were both so needy & with Micah not feeling well & Josiah being in odd sorts, I did something I thought would never happen. I woke up that morning with the house screaming "Clean me, Clean me!!!!" Wow, I thought taking care of housework & keeping up with laundry was hard before, now I have 2 little ones that need me. So, at the beginning of the day I decided that I was going to have a completely different perspective for this day. I wasn't going to worry for even one second about what the house was telling me, I was going to just play with my boys, laugh with them, give them lots of hugs & kisses, talk with them, read books, & just devote my time to them. What an incredible day we had! I thought it would absolutely drive me nuts not making sure the house was not even being attempted to be worked on but I was the most content person just giving my boys my undivided attention. Don't tell anyone, but I didn't even worry about dinner or even think about it. I know my time was not at all wasted because I was pouring time into the boys God gave me. I went into work completely refreshed & with a new energy. My heart was just bubbling over thinking of how nice it was just to play & see their sweet smiles all day! :) I told this lady that I didn't do a single thing beside spend time with my little buddies & I LOVED it! Now, grant it the housework still needs to be done & I still need to plan my menu for the rest of the week but will I regret that I spent priceless time with my family - definitely not. I'm so thankful to be a Mommy & take care of the children He has blessed me with. I feel as if I'm truly doing what God put me on earth to do ~ be a wife & Mom.