Last Tuesday, I faced the day I had waited for for a long time. It was a day I anticipated, a day I was anxious for, a day in which I had prayed would come. Now that it was here, I prayed it would pass - at one point, I told Dave I was backing out. :) For the longest time, I have been in need of sinus surgery. Just the thought sounded horrible, so I tried to not even think about it unless I had to. So here we were, ready to correct the problems that needed fixed & clear things out to relieve my pain. I actually joked with a few friends about the high expectations I've had for this surgery - to correct everything from migraines, sinus infections, fluid in my ear, energy level, weight loss, you name it, I wanted the surgery to fix it all. :)
We are so grateful the Doctor told Dave everything went well and he was able to clear things up and correct what needed to be fixed with the actual make up of my sinuses. Then, the fun part comes - recovery. I guess I had such high expectations thinking nothing would be worse than having headaches/migraines everyday so it would feel so much better after having the procedure. :) Wishful thinking. I am so incredibly thankful for my parents and their willingness to come up and help with the boys. I honestly couldn't have made it without them. And Dave ~ he sure is the most selfless man I know. He has been so good in taking care of me when I've desperately needed it and been such an amazing father to our boys at the same time. From cleaning, taking care of us all, to picking me up an Icee to brighten the day. :) My mother in law has also been a huge blessing in always being willing to swing something by.
Then...well, then there are those friends that are the most helpful and selfless in how they give of their time to encourage, to pray, to call, to make a meal, to check on how things are going and time and time again give of their day to help me make it thru mine. I can't thank the Lord enough for the friends He has placed in my life. There were days that I couldn't move, yet couldn't sleep due to pain and those crazy meds and friends would call, text, send me messages making me laugh, and swing a meal by to help out any way they could. So many encouraged me and helped in so many ways, that I learned in a special way through their example of being selfless. I cannot express the gratitude from our family for each of you and the blessing you are to us! We love you all!